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- Derle GilliamI am very excited about your project! I am familiar with the area (grew up in Redding and now live in Cottonwood), and after reading Richard Hilton’s “Dinosaurs and Other Mesozoic Reptiles of California”, became fascinated with the history of the discovery of the Shastasaurus. I only heard of your project recently from the local newspaper otherwise I would be a backer! Too late now, but any help I could offer by being a “local guy”, let me know! Going up there tomorrow to check out the“low pass trail” again, and do some geocaching.This time taking pruners, the blackberry vines are amassing Looking forward to what you find!May 20, 20170
- Ryan McKeeBackerNeal and crew, Congratulations! I hope you have great success out there.May 31, 20160
- Fred and Meredith kelleyBackerCongratulations, looking forward to your updates.May 12, 20160
- Margaret OliverBackerCongratulations on exceeding our goal! What's the plan for the extra funds?May 10, 20160
- Margaret OliverBacker*yourMay 10, 20160
- Neil KelleyResearcherThanks Margaret! The extra funds will be very useful help cover any unforeseen costs that arise during the course of our fieldwork. Anything that is left over would be applied to future field seasons or used to defray open access publication charges when we are ready to publish our findings.May 11, 20160
- Raymond ireyBackerWhoo Hoo!May 04, 20160
- Julie DicksonBackerI'm really excited about what you may find.... that is great that you are fully funded!!! Go guys, and i hope to hear the details.May 04, 20160
- Neil KelleyResearcherThanks Julie! We will definitely keep our backers posted on our results through the website.May 04, 20160
- Evon HekkalaBackerThis is so cool. I grew up in Sonoma county and then moved to Tahoe for high school. All of these places are so familiar. Also. in my own work, I use museum collections to go resurvey species so this is where my heart is. Great job!May 04, 20160
- Neil KelleyResearcherThanks for the kind words Evon!May 04, 20160
- Gloria CarrBackerGreat news!May 04, 20160
- Neil KelleyResearcherThank you for your support Gloria!May 04, 20160
- Jason P ScheinBackerCongrats!May 04, 20160
- Neil KelleyResearcherThanks Jason!May 04, 20160
- Nick PyensonBackerWill you guys print up expedition t-shirts or wear custom hats? I have Atopodentatus fever, and the only prescription is more Triassic swag!Apr 30, 20160
- Eric MetzResearcherAtopodentatus fever that sure is a unique illness.May 03, 20160
- Cindy WuBackerGood luck team!Apr 28, 20160
- Neil KelleyResearcherThanks Cindy!Apr 28, 20160
- David PetroniBackerBecause this project seems sciency I decided to generate a random number between 1 and 100 and donate what came up. So you appear to have random luck on your side.Apr 27, 20160
- Neil KelleyResearcherThanks David, we'll take whatever luck we can get, random or otherwise!Apr 27, 20160
- Isaac FiresmithBackerGO DO SCIENCE MY MAN.Apr 27, 20160
- Neil KelleyResearcherThank you Isaac!Apr 27, 20160
- kusysally@yahoo.comBackerGood Luck with the project, keep me postedApr 19, 20160
- Neil KelleyResearcherThanks Sally!Apr 19, 20160
- Doug PetersonBackerGood luck Neil!Apr 14, 20160
- Neil KelleyResearcherThanks Doug!Apr 15, 20160
- Julie DicksonBackerDoes this project include site exploration or just location editing?Apr 13, 20160
- Neil KelleyResearcherThanks Julie! We will be exploring the area searching for new fossils as well as trying to pinpoint the exact where previous specimens were collected. I hope that answers your question.Apr 13, 20160
- Lance SchnatterlyBackerGood luck!Apr 11, 20160
- Neil KelleyResearcherThanks Lance!Apr 11, 20160
- Jason P ScheinBackerGood luck!Apr 11, 20160
- Neil KelleyResearcherThanks Jason!Apr 11, 20160