Erin Eastwood

Erin Eastwood


Published on Nov 04, 2014

First Sequences

We have data!!For the last 2 months, I have been chopping up little pieces of gill or sea cucumber tissue, extracting the DNA from that tissue, selecting small parts of the DNA using specific prime...

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Published on Aug 12, 2014

The Tale of a Living Fossil

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Published on Jul 04, 2014

Fiji W.I.S.E. Snorkel Trip Video

Fiji W.I.S.E. Snorkel Trip from Erin Eastwood on Vimeo. 

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Published on Jul 02, 2014

First Fiji Update

a summary with a few pictures to my blogcheck out here

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Published on Jun 18, 2014

3 More Days to Fiji!

CUintheField this video tutorial

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Published on May 05, 2014

We're Getting Close!!

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Published on Mar 04, 2014

3 More Days!!!

Hey everybody! Thanks to you, I'm only $626 away from my stretch goal of $3000 - allowing me to travel to ONE more field site this summer!! Let's see if we can get that to the final stretch goal! I...

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Published on Feb 13, 2014

Newest Study Species Watercolor!

3/5 study species down! Newest addition to the collection is at bottom, Lutjanus fulvus, aka the Blacktail Snapper! These guys are much more silvery underwater, and are verrrry tasy :) Help me make...

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Published on Feb 02, 2014

Field Methods Video!

This is a neat little video created by Helen Scales (, our science communicator from last year's field season, describing the step-by-step process of how we process our fish sam...

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