Sex in the sea: Uncovering the mating behavior of Giant Sea Bass

Backed by Dr. Larry G. Allen, B.dave, JR Clark, Eling Gaines, Carol Prabhu, Jim Schneidereit, Phil Marsh, Jeanie Meeks, Brett Clement, Andie, and 91 other backers
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California State University - Northridge
Northridge, California
Open Access
DOI: 10.18258/1883
Raised of $5,940 Goal
Funded on 3/07/14
Successfully Funded
  • $6,120
  • 103%
  • Funded
    on 3/07/14

Project Results

I am excited to share our findings regarding giant sea bass reproductive behaviors. These behaviors were only observed during the spawning season (summer months). 

About This Project

I will be investigating the mating strategies and behavior of Giant Sea Bass. They have been largely overfished since the late 1800's, causing them to land on the IUCN Red List as critically endangered. Despite its popularity, few studies have been done and much of what is known is speculative. Researching mating strategies allows for better understandings of the functions of this mysterious beast and is vital to its preservation.

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What is the context of this research?

  • Giant Sea Bass, Stereolepis gigas, are found along the eastern pacific coast from Gulf of California through Homboldt Bay, although primarily seen in southern California.They are highly susceptible to overfishing and for being such a popular trophy fish and having such ecological importance there is very little scientific research done on them.
  • I will be investigating the reproductive behaviors and mating system of Giant Sea Bass with hopes to aid in the preservation of this species. This will be the first study to look at the strategies and behavioral aspects of reproductive within the family Polyprionidae.
  • Sound production has been seen to correlate with courting and spawning in other species (2). A data-logging hydrophone (underwater microphone) will be used to monitor these fish acoustically. With the passive acoustic data obtained from this hydrophone I will identify highs and lows in sound production throughout each day. I will then interpret this to find peaks in densities/time of day when spawning occurs, abundances at the spawning site, comparing sound frequency to observations of courting and spawning.

What is the significance of this project?

  • Giant Sea Bass are on International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List as a critically endangered species (1) and due to having low genetic diversity in danger of extinction.
  • Reproductive strategies lay the foundation for an organism's success. Understanding these strategies and behaviors will aid in the preservation of the Giant Sea Bass and lead to more studies on temperate (cold water) marine fishes and apex predators.

What are the goals of the project?

The goal of this study is to describe the reproductive behaviors of Giant Sea Bass, S. gigas, at Santa Catalina Island, California.

  1. Understand residency at spawning sites, this will allow us to know relative abundances at breeding sites.
  2. Compare fish abundance and courtship behavior to sound production, this is important because it gives insight about the number of fish involved, time of day, and how courting is done.
  3. Observe spawning behaviors in the field


DSG-Ocean Acoustic Datalogger
Real Food!
Stretch goal- iButton- Temperature Datalogger
Stretch goal- Hydrophone for video camera
Stretch goal- Underwater video cameras

DSG-Ocean Acoustic Datalogger- is a long-term hydrophone (underwater microphone) essential for getting the most accurate results, allowing me to analyze mating strategies and describe spawning behavior of giant sea bass in detail.

I also need to feed my field assistant! I know they would just to eat peanut butter and Oreos all summer with me (that's my field food), but maybe a pizza would be nice from time to time.

Stretch goals
Extra funds will be used to purchase supplemental equipment to ensure the validity of the data.

  • Underwater video cameras will be used for visual observations
  • Hydrophones (connected to video cameras) to validate the sounds heard made by the giant sea bass.
  • iButton- Temperature Datalogger will allow for continuous temperature readings

Endorsed by

Brian is currently my graduate student working on his Master's Degree in Marine Biology at CSUN. He is proposing this critical, long-overdue project that should go a long way in informing us about the basic biology of this critically endangered species that has, until recently, been virtually absent from the nearshore ecosystem off California.
The giant sea bass is a species recovering from near regional extinction in California. I began diving the waters here in the late 1960s, but did not see my first one until the late 1990s. No one has ever observed spawning behavior of this species in the wild. Brian's project could prove valuable in giving us new information about their spawning behavior and thus valuable knowledge with which to implement conservation efforts.
Increasing our knowledge on mating behavior and spawning aggregations is crucial to the protection and recovery of an endangered species such as the Giant Sea Bass. Brian Clark is the guy you want for this undertaking. His intelligence, persevering attitude, and passion for this species will allow for this unknown information about this magnificent fish to come to light.

Meet the Team

JR Clark
JR Clark

Team Bio

Brian Clark is a graduate student at California State University, Northridge and specializes in marine fishes. He is very interested in the behavioral ecology of vertebrates. He will being doing the field work and analysis for this project and this research is part of his Masters thesis. He is from southern California and received his B.S. in Marine Biology & Limnology from San Francisco State University.

JR Clark

Fish enthusiast. Educating the world one fish at a time.

Project Backers

  • 101Backers
  • 103%Funded
  • $6,120Total Donations
  • $61.00Average Donation