James Askew

James Askew

Medan, Indonesia


Published on Apr 20, 2015

(A few of) The first month's photos from the Sumatran jungle!!!

It's taken a little while, and there have been a number of issues (some of which we'll talk about below), but last week our donors received a Google Drive link to view the first month's photos from...

Group 6 Copy 99
Published on Mar 01, 2015

The cameras are live!

James has just gotten back from 3 (long) days setting out the cameras with the heroic Wak Ben (Pictured), and right now they're recording photos of the Sumatran jungle! At this stag...

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Published on Feb 19, 2015

The Cameras have Arrived (Adventures with Indonesian customs)!

We're delighted to let you all know that our camera traps have finally arrived in Indonesia (Seen below with James). Due to the difficulties in importing equipment to Indonesi - Cust...

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Published on Jan 10, 2015

Sikundur Camera Trap Project: Welcome!

Hopefully you all received the following email, which contains a thank-you certificate! If not let us know...Dear Team Sikundur Camera Trap Project,Welcome to this program! Now you have joined our ...

Backers Only
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Published on Dec 05, 2014

Thank You!

We'd just like to say a massive thank you for supporting us throughout this campaign, we couldn't have got here without each and every one of you! We're all truly touched and inspired by the level ...

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Published on Oct 27, 2014

Our Research Camp at Sikundur

A version of this post first appeared on James Askew's Scientific American Expedition Blog: Call of the Orangutan July 9, 2014It’s taken a bit longer than I’d initially anticipated, but I’m finally...

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Awesome photos! That bear is terrific!