Laurel Serieys

Laurel Serieys

University of Cape Town; Cape Leopard Trust; University of California, Santa Cruz

Urban Caracal Project Coordinator


Published on Jun 16, 2016

More project footage: We released Prospero from his chains, but will he stay free?

We have an extended project video that features more information about Prospero (featured in this blog)– our caracal that was illegally captured in...

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Published on Jun 10, 2016

Rat poisons have far reach

Rat poisons used around urban areas biaccumulate to impact many species, not just the rats we target. One of our project goals is to understand how many consequences ...

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Published on Jun 06, 2016

What happens to persecuted predators in the city

We have released a new blog about Prospero, the latest caracal in our study.  The blog describes how we manage these unusual circumstances, but also, some of the common struggles predators face in ...

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Reply to:Gina GoodGina Good
Thank you Gina- I really hope so for him!
Hi Iris, Jasper was hit at 11am- well during the day, as we have seen for many other caracals. But we do put reflective tape on the collars, but honestly I think that it wouldn't make too much difference. Cars barrel so fast down these roads that I don't think that the reflective tape provides mu...more