Monica Tydlaska

Monica Tydlaska

San Diego, CA


Published on Apr 17, 2014

Biodiversity Sampling

Permits have all been successfully completed and approved so sampling has commenced. I am over half way though sampling my 6 sites for biodiversity. I have been sampling with great help from my und...

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Published on Mar 03, 2014

Camouflaged Sea Star

Check out this great sea star that my volunteer found today! I am still trying to identify it.

Group 6 Copy 79
Published on Feb 28, 2014

Thesis Proposal Accepted

My thesis was approved just a few hours ago! I am so excited that everything is coming together this week. Thank you to all that have supported me to my first goal. Now onward to my stretch goal! P...

Group 6 Copy 48
Published on Feb 26, 2014

So close I can taste it

I am so close to my goal I can taste victory. Here are a few more great photos of species I have found. I hope that I can get the last $100 or so to get over my goal. Thank you all for supporting m...

Group 6 Copy 53
Published on Feb 23, 2014

Beautiful Invertebrates of the Sea

Two great finds today by my assistant Lipin. Hope you all have a great weekend. Please help support my research to go green while determining human knowledge, activities and their impacts on the ro...

Group 6 Copy 71
Published on Feb 13, 2014

360 of Field Trip Location

Here is a 360 degree view of Bird Rock where my class went on our field trip.

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Published on Feb 11, 2014

Class Field Trip

I am headed today to Bird Rock to learn algae species. Once I am confident in my taxonomy I will be starting my diversity sampling at my sites! :)

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Published on Feb 10, 2014

Thesis Proposal

I have received my first round of comments and changes by my lab mates and my professor. I will be proposing on February 28th so wish me luck! This is really going to happen! Please send my link to...

Group 6 Copy 43
Published on Feb 09, 2014

Great finds this weekend

Here are a few of the great finds this weekend at the tide pools. Please remember to donate for my project! :) Sea hare Nudibranch Octopus ...

Group 6 Copy 41
As a fellow scuba diver I am interested to see the results of your study.
As a scientist using MPAs it would be nice to have this type of app available.
Astrometis sertulifera is the sea star that my volunteer found today. It is a soft fragile rainbow star with brown body and long orange and blue spines!
Astrometis sertulifera is its name! Soft star fish. Brown skin with long blue and orange spines.