Thomas C. Hart

Thomas C. Hart

Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Franklin and Marshall College

Visiting Assistant Professor


Published on Jun 18, 2018

Midseason Update, June 18, 2018

Hello from the field!We just wanted to give you a quick update as we cross the midpoint of our excavation season. The first half of the 2018 PfBAP field season has come to a close and we’re happy t...

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Published on Jun 08, 2018

Status Update- June 8, 2018

Hi All, Apologies for not updating this project in a while. Over the past academic year, Debora and I have been diligently working on the processing of archaeological soils and the analysis of our ...

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Published on Jul 31, 2017

Wildlife menace update

I am happy to report that Pierre is alive and well and was busy tormenting the archaeologists at PfB when I left. He still chases cars and would wait for us to return to the truck when I would go a...

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Published on Jul 31, 2017

Lab Work in the Field, 2017

Following the sad departure of Debora, Tom set to work processing the dry sieve and flotation sediments collected from La Milpa. Tom and his students only focused on three of the units (two on the ...

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Published on Nov 16, 2016

Mesoamerican Ethnobotanical Database

Previous work by Dr. Jon Hageman of Northeastern Illinois University at the Programme for Belize Archaeological Project has resulted in the publication of Mesoamerican Ethnobotanical Database. This...

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Reply to:Denny LuanDenny Luan
We hope so. The different sized meshes are designed to help separate the different sized botanical materials. For example, corn cobs and kernels would most likely be in the 4 millimeter fraction because they are large whereas something like tobacco seeds (which they may have had), would be caught...more