Gainesville, FL

Can automated moth diversity monitoring be used to measure habitat restoration success in a tropical jungles?

Moths and other night-active insects are entrapped by UV light, a feature useful to study them. However...

Do Electronic Cigarettes Promote Smoking Cessation?

There's a lot of debate as to whether e-cigarettes can actually help people quit smoking. This is the first...

Affordable 3D-Printed Neural Devices for Spinal Cord Regeneration

Medical treatments for spinal cord injuries are expensive and difficult to test. I want to try to develop...

Coiba BioBlitz: Discovering the biodiversity of a remote tropical island

Coiba is the largest uninhabited island in all of Latin America, home to a rich biological heritage of rare...

Can zoos bring us together?

Have zoos inspired their 180 million annual visitors to get involved and make choices everyday to conserve...

Is there climate-smart coffee? A search for resilient arabica varietals in Costa Rica

Over 80% of adults in the US drink coffee, and it also plays a key role in the livelihoods of farmers all...

Squid in Space: Symbiosis and Innate Immunity

Astronauts experience dysregulated immune function in space that may be related to their microbial communities...

Are commercially available applications for reducing social media use effective?

The large amount of time people spend on social media is a growing cause for concern among health professions...

Understanding transmission of a deadly fungus to prevent a salamander apocalypse in North America

Salamanders in Europe are dying from a disease caused by the "salamander devouring fungus", Bsal. This pathogen...

How are cave-dwelling amphibians responding to parasitic and environmental threats?

Amphibian declines are occurring at alarming rates worldwide. To ensure a future for amphibians, we must...

What factors influence the spread of viruses through wild bee communities?

We rely on bees to pollinate plants critical for our survival, but viruses threaten these key pollinators...