Hilary Bethancourt

Hilary Bethancourt

Department of Anthropology, University of Washington, Seattle Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology, University of Washington, Seattle


Published on Feb 24, 2018

Lenten Season Study Results

Dear Lenten Season Study Participants and Supporters, At last, the long-awaited update about the findings of the Lenten Season Study is here! Before I dive into the details, I want to mention that ...

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Published on Dec 22, 2016

Year-End Progress Report and Next Year's Project Completion Goal

Happy Holidays Everyone!I would like to wish you a happy holiday season and, in the process, also provide a quick but long-awaited update on the progress of the Lenten Season Study To date, all da...

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Published on Nov 17, 2015

We did it! Thank you!!!

Dear Supporters,I want to extend my sincerest gratitude to all of you for helping me reach my research fundraising goal!!! Having met this goal, I now feel much more at ease about moving forward wi...

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Published on Oct 26, 2015

Did you know...?

Diet and lifestyle are major contributors to disease and mortality in the United States.In recent decades, the U.S. has not seen the same rate of gain in life expectancy experienced by other high-i...

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Published on Oct 09, 2015

Recruiting study participants in Houston and Austin, Texas

Are you interested in being a participant in this study? Do you live in or near Houston or Austin, Texas? You may find more details about what participation would involve and sign up to be a partic...

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Thank you Claire! I really appreciate your encouragement!!! Have a very Merry Christmas!!!