Heidi Moretti, MS, RD

Heidi Moretti, MS, RD

Missoula, Montana

Fresenius Kidney Care

Registered dietitian


Published on Nov 03, 2017

Vitamin D and Heart Failure Study Is Now Published!

Vitamin D and Heart Failure Study Is Now Published!I wanted to send you all the link to the vitamin D3 study that you supported. This project couldn't have happened without you. Thanks again, and...

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Published on Sep 27, 2016

Publication Update

Hello to all!  Publication is proving quite competitive and difficult.  I just wanted to keep you all in the loop.  It seems that drug companies have the market of publication cornered, but I am no...

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Published on Feb 04, 2016


Vitamin D and Heart Failure Manuscript is going to be submitted this week to the journal of Circulation: Heart Failure. Thanks again for all your help. Wish me luck! After it's published, we can...

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Published on Aug 27, 2014

Significance of Vitamin D for Alzheimer's Disease

Here is a link which highlights the importance of vitamin D for reducing symptoms of Alzheimer's disease:http://www.vitamindcouncil.org/vitamin-d-news/new-...Hope you are all well!Heidi

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Published on May 08, 2014

Link between psychosis and vitamin D deficiency


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Published on Feb 26, 2014

How will Stretch Goals be Used?

Thank you all for helping with the vitamin D study. I thought you would like to know that two new patients were enrolled in our vitamin d study today!I am still able to receive additional funds ab...

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Published on Feb 25, 2014

Thanks to you, we met our goal!

Thank you all so much for your generous donations and supportive words! Today, our goal is met of $4,350 from 35 backers! We are excited to bring this project to completion, and will keep you upd...

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Published on Feb 18, 2014

We are featured in the Vitamin D council today!

The Vitamin D Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in California, United States, working to educate the public on vitamin D, sun exposure and health.“Why,” you might ask. Simply put, human...

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Published on Feb 04, 2014

Vitamin D Research in Progress

We are trying to help patients' lives, and here is an example of how we love this progress. John is one of our first patients to finish the six month vitamin D trial.

Backers Only
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Thank you so much, I am very excited to see all the results!
Best wishes for your research!